Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lace Me Up on Tuesday - Bow Tie

For today's lacing style, we give you Bow Tie from "Laces: 100s of Ways to Pimp your Kicks" by Ian Fieggen.

Look for the gray/white band that represents your starting point. The yellow stands for the right end of the lace, and the blue is the left end of the lace. Start by threading both ends through the bottom-most pair of eyelets from its front. Then, instead of crossing the ends, run them through the next set of eyelets, leaving a gap. Cross the laces at this point and thread the ends from the front to the next set of eyelets. Repeat the process of threading under to form a gap, then crossing the laces on the next set of eyelets until you reach the end!

This style is perfect for round, thin, and normal laces!

Difficulty Level: Easy

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